DISE CODE - 19090306103

03/09/2024 2:19 PM


Assistant Headmaster (IN-CHARGE)

Unlike what happened 100 years ago, in today’s society it is quite easy for people to access the information they require at all times (provided they have the necessary infrastructures and have adequate digital skills; in this case: strategies for the search, evaluation, and selection of information). However, and also unlike what happened before, society is now undergoing dizzying changes that continually pose new problems, requiring people to have multiple procedural skills (initiative, creativity, use of ICT tools, problem-solving strategies, teamwork …) to create the precise knowledge that allows them to face them successfully.
Therefore, today the role of trainers is not so much “teaching” (explaining-examining) knowledge that will have limited validity and will always be accessible, as helping students to “learn to learn” autonomously in this culture of change and promote their cognitive and personal development through critical and application activities that, taking advantage of the immense information available and powerful ICT tools, take into account their characteristics ( student-centered training ) and require active and interdisciplinary processing of the information so that c on struyan their own knowledge and do not limit themselves to a simple passive reception-memorization of the information.
On the other hand, the diversity of the students and the educational situations that may arise, advises that the trainers take advantage of the multiple resources available (which are many, especially if cyberspace is used) to personalize the teaching activities, and work in collaboration with other colleagues (overcoming the traditional isolation, fostered by the same organization of the schools and the distribution of time and space) maintaining an investigative attitude in the classrooms, sharing resources (for example through the teaching websites), observing and reflecting on the didactic action itself and progressively seeking improvements in the actions in accordance with the circumstances (action research).


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Ramnagr High School