DISE CODE - 19090306103

17/09/2024 6:47 AM

Students Giudeline (Parents / guardians are requested to pay special attention.)

1. Students are required to attend the prayer line every day at school wearing certain attire.
2. On the days of national ceremonies celebrated at the school, attendance at annual sports and other cultural events and contribution is compulsory as per the instructions of the school. 
3. Attendance at school is compulsory for 60 days from 5th to 8th class and 75% for students from 9th to 12th class. Students will be excluded from the attendance register for absenteeism at school for a period of three months or more in multiple order and to participate in their half-yearly / annual examinations. Will not be given. 
4. It is compulsory for the parents to see and sign the progress letter of the half-yearly examination and to send it back through the students. 
5. Students in grades five through eight spend at least three hours each morning and evening. Parents / guardians should pay special attention to the study of students for six hours and from ninth to twelfth class for at least four hours every morning and evening for eight hours.
6. Consent application of parents / guardians to take leave for any special need of the house. Letters should be submitted to the class teacher. Otherwise the holiday will not be considered. 
7. If a student leaves school before the specified permission, the first warning may be issued and the next level of parents / guardians may be called and issued a school leaving certificate. 
8. It is imperative that parents / guardians attend school at least once every three months to find out about the students. 
9. Please attend the parent / guardian meeting held at the school and give your valuable advice. Your presence at these meetings is highly desirable. 

Emergency Instructions for Fees:

Fees fixed by the Education Department of the Government of West Bengal.
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Ramnagr High School