DISE CODE - 19090306103

10/09/2024 11:20 PM


Education can be defined as the process of socialization of individuals. When educated, a person assimilates and learns knowledge. Education also implies a cultural and behavioral awareness, where the new generations acquire the ways of being of previous generations.


The educational process is materialized in a series of skills and values that produce intellectual, emotional and social changes in the individual. According to the degree of awareness reached, these values can last a lifetime or only a certain period of time.

In the case of children, education seeks to promote the process of structuring thought and forms of expression. It helps in the sensory-motor maturation process and stimulates integration and group coexistence.

Formal or school education, meanwhile, consists of the systematic presentation of ideas, facts and techniques to students. One person exercises an orderly and voluntary influence on another, with the intention of training him. Thus, the school system is the way in which a society transmits and preserves its collective existence among the new generations.

On the other hand, it should be noted that modern society attaches particular importance to the concept of permanent or continuous education, which establishes that the educational process is not limited to children and youth, but that the human being must acquire knowledge throughout their entire lifetime.

Within the field of education, another key aspect is evaluation, which presents the results of the teaching and learning process. The evaluation contributes to improving education and, in a certain way, it is never finished, since each activity carried out by an individual is subjected to analysis to determine if he achieved what he was looking for.

Education Throughout history, our approach to education has changed significantly and on more than one occasion. Its evolution is very complex, partly because not all knowledge is transmitted in the same context or with the same rules: while in our first months of life we spontaneously learn from the elderly a series of basic concepts such as the manipulation of certain objects , walking, oral communication and play, the school brings with it a much more rigid and orderly structure.

In school education, in the past, the majority tendency was towards the “militarization” of the system: an “omniscient” teacher stood in front of his students, who silently attended and sat his lessons. Two figures were opposed: that of the person who has something to teach and that of the group who can only learn, but who contributes nothing to the first. Fortunately, over the decades this has changed and is still in the midst of a transition towards a flexible and personalized reality, which gives each one a significant role.

Precisely, one of the great failings of militarized education is that teachers close themselves to the contributions of their students, as if they had nothing to learn. This hurts both parties: the teacher does not grow professionally; students do not receive a space to comment; future students do not receive a wiser teacher, because they never incorporate new knowledge. On the other hand, all students in a closed system must learn the same content, in the same way, and undergo the same evaluations, something as absurd as it is unfair.

The education towards which it is currently tending aims to ensure that each student receives a personalized treatment so that they learn what really serves them and in the most appropriate way for their abilities. For example, future writers should not require a scientist’s own level of mathematics.


Education could be a complicated method within the lifetime of the person, that happens basically at intervals the family then at the various stages of faculty or tutorial life that the individual goes through (from preschool to university).

However, not solely the organized and compartmental data of science and data in education: therefore are native traditions, family beliefs or inheritable modes of behavior.

The final results of the academic method are unsure, since the person ne’er stops learning, therefore, of adjusting her behaviors and her precepts. However, the initial stages of life are thought of as crucial for the formation and education of the individual (both informal aspects and in affectional matters, citizenship, etc.), since they’re going to be chargeable for the method of acting that the individual presents in his adulthood.

At constant time, formal or tutorial education is taken into account in our societies an establishment at the service of the person, of his improvement and learning, during which he can’t solely acquire deep and sophisticated data, however additionally mildew some way of thinking within the problems with ethics, morals, affectivity, etc.

And yet, access to the present sort of education is typically restricted to the center and higher categories, that is often a further problem for the foremost underprivileged categories, typically submerged in content.

Education may be given through totally {different|completely different} models and different ranges of experiences, however, it’s usually guilty of a teacher, teacher, teacher or guide, WHO could be a figure of relative authority over the apprentices or students, guilty of guaranteeing correct understanding of the topics and to resolve the doubts that will arise within the method, since not all individuals have similar learning mechanisms.

Formal education. That that takes place at intervals the program organized, planned, evaluated, and tutored by the establishments of society: academies, schools, institutes, universities, and alternative instances of organized data. they typically cause getting a degree and social recognition of the data noninheritable.

Informal education that is received purposely and arranged, however outside the formal establishments dedicated thereto, that is, outside the academies and while not the endorsement of a degree (or having it, however with none skilled value).

Informal education, that is noninheritable in an unintentional and unsystematic method, through the buildup of expertise and data incorporated by trial and error. It is, let’s say, the education “of life” and everybody acquires it in their own method.

Physical education could be a pedagogic discipline, that is, a branch of education, targeted on the shape from numerous physical views of exercise and improvement, in pursuit of comprehensive management of the healthy shape, likewise as sports coaching and combat of inactive life.

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